First things first. I decorated the house for when Liam came home from work with grave stones, cobwebs, spiders and Halloween treats. He was very surprised when he arrived home ha, we started the evening with me making dinner which was witches fingers, pumpkin cheese burgers and fries.
To create the witches fingers all you need to do is cut the crust off of the bread, apply garlick butter on the bread and roll it. Cut one end of the rolled bread into a point and then apply more garlick butter on to that end and stick an almond onto it to create the nail and then grill... Easy right. Then add them into a bowl of tomatoe ketchup to look like the blood and there you have it.
Following dinner we had witches brew which is limeade and ice cream to create the froth then add a straw and some candy floss, simple but looks so good.
We then sat in the garden and made s'mores. S'mores are an American tradition, something that was done around a camp fire, so we grabbed our mega marshmallows and sat around the fire and toasted them and put them in between two biscuits and a layer of chocolate, sooooooo good.
Pin the wart on the witch ended our night before we settled down with a movie and it was a lot of fun. Create your own fun by drawing your own picture and then cut shapes out that apply to the picture and play your own 'pin the' game.
I am no artist as shown but we still had fun :).
I am now planning our next themed night but I think that may be Christmas :) that does give me an excuse to go all out doesn't it :).
Thanks for reading